SOLIDWORKS Plastics for Plastics Mold Manufacturing

SOLIDWORKS Plastics predict and avoid manufacturing defects in plastic part and injection mold designs, eliminating costly rework, improving part quality, and decreasing time to market.



Why choose SOLIDWORKS Plastics?

SOLIDWORKS® Plastics delivers easy-to-use simulation for analyzing plastic parts and injection molds. It simulates how melted plastic flows during the injection molding process to predict manufacturing-related defects so you can quickly evaluate part manufacturability while you design.

Capabilities and Benefits of SOLIDWORKS Plastics

Avoid Costly Mold Cavity Rework

SOLIDWORKS Plastics can drastically reduce the chance of costly mistakes before a Mold Cavity is manufactured. Utilizing the advanced flow simulation tools can help you design efficient products and designs without the large expense of prototype testing. Modifying after a cavity is built not only causes major costs but also extensive labor to rework mold cavities.  Let SOLIDWORKS Plastics help you test CAD models before manufacturing begins to ensure the best version of your design will go to production.

Intuitive workflow and design advice

SOLIDWORKS Plastics works directly on your 3D model, avoiding translation issues. You see the impact of design changes right away. Powerful and fast state-of-the-art meshing covers geometries thin-walled parts to very thick and solid parts.

An intuitive interface leads you step by step. Guided analysis, intelligent defaults, and automated processes ensure correct setup, even if you rarely use simulation tools. The SOLIDWORKS Plastics material database contains thousands of commercial plastics and is fully customizable.

Part designers get rapid feedback on how modifications to wall thickness, gate locations, materials, or geometry can effect the manufacturing of their part, while mold designers can quickly optimize multicavity and family mold layouts and feed systems—including sprues, runners, and gates.

Optimize Plastic Part Production

SOLIDWORKS Plastics products can be used to optimize part wall thickness, gate locations, and runner system size and layout to ensure the mold works right the first time, reducing or eliminating the need for rework.

Scrap Reduction

SOLIDWORKS Plastics makes it easy to analyze design iterations at the earliest stages of product development—when the cost of change is least and the impact on manufacturability is greatest—increasing part quality and minimizing production scrap rates.

Reduce time to market

SOLIDWORKS Plastics helps to predict and avoid potential manufacturing defects before any mold tooling is cut, virtually eliminating the need for time-consuming and costly mold rework and ensuring project deadlines and ship dates are met on time and within budget.

Collaborate and Report

SOLIDWORKS Plastics provides automated report generation tools that facilitate the sharing and interpretation of simulation results, allowing increased collaboration among extended development teams.


Q & A
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What are the types of SOLIDWORKS software licenses?
SOLIDWORKS software license is provided in permanent form or for a term of 1 year, 3 years, with a minimum period of 3 months.
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Is 3DEXPERIENCE Works SOLIDWORKS in the cloud?
3DEXPERIENCE Works is a cloud solution that integrates all applications of Dassaults Systemes, from software solutions SOLIDWORKS, Catia, Simulia and more ...
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Can a SOLIDWORKS license be used for multiple computers?
SOLIDWORKS provides a network license format that allows you to install the software on multiple computers and the same LAN. At the same time, the number of computers that can use SOLIDWORKS license does not exceed the number of licenses registered (buy software copyright)
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What benefits does SOLIDWORKS Subscription bring to users and businesses?
SOLIDWORKS Subscription is an annual maintenance and upgrade service. With regular subscription renewals, you will always be updated with the latest version of SOLIDWORKS to take advantage of the latest technical advancements that accelerate project development. Users and businesses also receive many other value-added benefits such as online and offline training services, 24/7 technical support, access to technical resources to help businesses stay ahead of the competition.
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Which software package should I use for small and medium private enterprises?
Please contact ViHoth Corporation for specific advice. Hotline: 0982 018 497
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Q & A
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What are the types of SOLIDWORKS software licenses?
SOLIDWORKS software license is provided in permanent form or for a term of 1 year, 3 years, with a minimum period of 3 months.
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Is 3DEXPERIENCE Works SOLIDWORKS in the cloud?
3DEXPERIENCE Works is a cloud solution that integrates all applications of Dassaults Systemes, from software solutions SOLIDWORKS, Catia, Simulia and more ...
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Can a SOLIDWORKS license be used for multiple computers?
SOLIDWORKS provides a network license format that allows you to install the software on multiple computers and the same LAN. At the same time, the number of computers that can use SOLIDWORKS license does not exceed the number of licenses registered (buy software copyright)
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What benefits does SOLIDWORKS Subscription bring to users and businesses?
SOLIDWORKS Subscription is an annual maintenance and upgrade service. With regular subscription renewals, you will always be updated with the latest version of SOLIDWORKS to take advantage of the latest technical advancements that accelerate project development. Users and businesses also receive many other value-added benefits such as online and offline training services, 24/7 technical support, access to technical resources to help businesses stay ahead of the competition.
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Which software package should I use for small and medium private enterprises?
Please contact ViHoth Corporation for specific advice. Hotline: 0982 018 497
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